Discover 500+ Interesting Animal Facts. There are millions of animals in the world. Scientists believe that there are 8.7 million species on Earth, with 1 million being animals. However, this is just an estimation. It’s because many new species are discovered regularly, and many species remain undiscovered. Especially those living in dense rainforests and deep oceans.
In today’s article, we’ll be discussing amazing animal facts from kingdom bacteria to the largest animal in the world and the list goes on. Read along and fulfil your thirst for knowledge!
So, are you excited to learn about fun animal facts? Buckle up, and let’s fuel our brains with knowledge about our companions on earth, “Animals”.
Amazing Animal Facts:
1,2,3 Let’s go. The list of animal facts is long. The loudest, slowest, tallest, smallest, unique, bizarre, weird, ugly all the interesting animal facts are packed in one blog.
- The loudest animal in the world is the sperm whale.
- Lions are apex predators, and their roar can be heard up to five miles away, striking fear into the hearts of all who hear it.
- The American bittern is the animal with the slowest voice in the animal kingdom.
- Do you think Flamingos are pink? Think again! The flamingos are born gray. They consume shrimp and algae that contain a natural pink dye known as canthaxanthin. This dye makes the feathers of flamingos pink!
- Otters are sea animals, and they hold the hands of their partner tightly so that they don’t float away from each other while sleeping.
One of the cutest animal facts!
- The animal with the weirdest voice in the animal kingdom is the lyrebird.
- The Western Taipan, also known as the inland Taipan, is the most venomous snake in the world.
Some more deadly animal facts:
- A single bite of Western Taipan can kill at least 100 full-grown men within 30 minutes if left untreated. Omg! This is huge!!!
- What do you think is the deadliest animal in the world? A tiger, a lion, a cheetah, a shark, a crocodile, an alligator or what? It’s the mosquito, my dear readers. Yes, you read right. The mosquito is one of the deadliest animals in the world. According to WHO, mosquitos are responsible for more than 72500 deaths annually because of diseases such as Malaria, dengue and yellow fever.
Okay, let’s continue the rest of the animal facts.
- The animal with the unique voice in the animal kingdom is the howler monkey.
- There are more than 1.4 billion insects for each human on the planet. So nextime if you feel lonely, remember 1.4 billion insects are there for you.
- The animal with the melodious voice in the kingdom Animalia is the nightingale.
- The shortest-living animal in the world is Mayfly. Do you know what its lifespan is? It lives for 24 hours only. It’s a day in our lives, and it equals Mayfly’s whole life.
- The animal with the most terrifying voice is the Tasmanian devil.
- The horned lizard can deceive you! Do you know how? They can shoot blood from its eye upto a distance of 3 feet away. This is actually a defense mechanism adopted by horned lizards to confuse predators.
- The animal with the most funny voice in kingdom Animalia is the kookaburra.
Here is one of the funniest animal facts:
- The rooster’s crowing is one of the loudest crowing in the animal kingdom. It averages over 100 decibels. But do you know what the rooster does to protect its hearing? It tilts its head back when it crows, covering its ear canal completely and serving as a build-ear plug. Wise adaptation!
- The fastest animal in the world is the peregrine falcon.
- Something giant and huge! The elusive giant squid is the largest squid in the world. It weighs tons, and its height is over 50 feet. In short, it’s bigger than a bus!!!
- The slowest animal in the world is the three-toed sloth.
- Defence mechanisms are a key that helps animals in unlocking survival. The naive pangolin rolls up into an armour-plated ball. In this way, it deceives the lion and the lion can’t eat them. Intelligent!
- The biggest animal in the world is the blue whale.
- The cockroach you killed might still be alive. Do you know why? A cockroach can stay alive for weeks even after its head is cut off.
- The smallest animal in the world is the bumblebee bat.
One of the ugliest animal facts is:
- Cow pows upto 15 times a day. Ugh!
- The most powerful animal is the dung beetle.
- Humans have 32 teeth, but a common garden snail can have 14,000 teeth. It’s huge!!!
- A blue whale’s tongue is equivalent to a small adult elephant or a car.
One of the terrifying animal facts is:
- The most terrifying animal is the great white shark.
- The longest-living animal in the world is the Madagascar radiated tortoise. It died at the age of 188 years in May 1965.
Few of the common animal facts are:
- The most human-friendly animal in the world is the dog.
- The fastest animal in the world? It’s not surprising, obviously, the Cheetah. It can run at a speed of 75 miles per hour.
- The animal that is most hated in the world is the mosquito.
- Baby elephants found a unique way to self please them. They suck their trunks and find peace!
- The most lovable animal in the world is the dog.
- The Nile crocodile jaws have the strongest bite worldwide. Once they catch a person between their teeth, they can apply a pressure of 5000 pounds per square inch! Stay far from crocodiles and stay safe.
- Pufferfish! Not as naive as it feels from the name. It contains a tetrodotoxin that’s more dangerous than cyanide. Pufferfish’s toxin is poisonous enough to kill 30 adult humans. Unfortunately, no known antidote is available until today.
- There are approximately 10,000 species of birds around the world.
Few weirdest animal facts are:
- The loudest animal doesn’t produce sound by its mouth! Rather, it makes a sound of 99 decibels by rubbing its genitalia across its abdomen! It’s none other than a water boatman. It measures 12mm long and produces a sound of 99 dB. This sound is equivalent to the noise of an operating drill.
- Adele Penguin has the most beautiful voice in the world.
- The number of spiders in green areas can amaze you. There are more than 50,000 spiders per acre in green areas.
- The American bullfrog has the ugliest voice in the world.
- The eyes of colossal squids are as large as a basketball.
- The canary has the most melodious voice in the world.
- Let’s talk about the greatest land jumpers. What do you think, crocodile, alligator? Nah, it’s White-tailed jackrabbits. They hold the record for leaping vertically at a height of 21 ft or 6.4 meters.
- One more fact: White-tailed jackrabbits. They can run up to 35 mph when escaping predators.
Some common animal facts are:
- The domestic chicken is the most common bird in the world.
- Do you want to travel the world? Me too. Well, our animal companion defeated us. The grey-headed albatross can travel the globe in 46 days only!!!!!
- The Spix’s macaw is the rarest bird in the world.
- Okay! The largest animal in the world is the giraffe. It can reach a height of 19ft.
- The largest bird in the world is? Ostrich. Ostrich can reach a height of 9 feet or 2.7 meters.
- The vaquita is the rarest animal in the world.
Some of the shocking animal facts:
- We all consider lions undefeatable, Right? But there is something that can even beat the lion, and that is a kick from an ostrich. Yep, an ostrich’s legs are so powerful that their kick can kill a lion!
- The devil’s hole pupfish is the rarest fish in the world.
- The heart of a blue whale can weigh as much as a small car, about 400 pounds!
- Polar bears have jet-black skin under their white fur coat. The double-faced polar bear!
- Octopuses have three hearts: Two pump blood to the gills, while one pumps it to the rest of the body.
- Do you know the most trafficked animal in the world? It’s the pangolin because of their high demand in Asian culture. Also, many people think they have medicinal value, but it’s scientifically wrong.
- Elephants are known to mourn their dead, often returning to the remains of deceased companions to pay their respects.
- How much can you eat in a single day? Whatever it is, it must be less than the diet of giant anteaters. It can consume upto 35000 ants and termites a day.
- The average housefly only lives for about 28 days, but some can live up to two months.
- The Lord Howe Island phasmid is the rarest insect in the world.
- Honeybees communicate with each other through a series of dances, which indicate the direction and distance of food sources. One of the funniest animal facts.
- Tigers have unique stripes: Just like fingerprints in humans, no two tigers have the same stripe pattern. Impressive!!
- The mosquito insect has caused the most human deaths in history.
- The tongue of a giraffe can be up to 20 inches long, allowing it to easily grab leaves and branches from a tall tree.
- The Nile crocodile is known for its powerful bite.
- Dolphins are known to have individual names and can recognize each other’s whistles. One of the unique animal facts.
- The mosquito is known for its attacks across the world. And it’s one of the most notorious animal in the world.
- A snail can sleep for up to three years if conditions are not favourable for its survival. I wish I were a snail!!!
Some of the easiest animal facts:
- The largest nematode is Placentonema gigantissima.
- The fastest marine animal is the black marlin, which can swim at speeds of up to 82 miles per hour.
- The biggest parasite is the whale tapeworm.
- The great horned owl has excellent hearing, which allows it to locate prey even in complete darkness.
- There are approximately 5 nonillion (5 x 10^30) bacteria in the world.
- The mantis shrimp has the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom, capable of seeing polarized light and detecting ten different colors.
- The biggest bacteria is Thiomargarita namibiensis.
- The great white shark has remarkable senses. It can detect a drop of blood in 25 gallons (100 liters) of water and can even sense a small amount of blood from 3 miles away. Do you know the organ they use to sense blood? They sense blood by its smell, using the organ known as the “ Olfactory bulb”.
We consider ourselves detectives and vigilant, but the great white shark surpasses us. Hats off!
- The smallest bacteria is Mycoplasma genitalium.
- The naked mole-rat can live in an almost zero-oxygen atmosphere for upto 20 minutes. Ever wondered why a naked mole rat is known as naked? While all the animals don’t wear clothes, why is the mole rat only naked? Think and read along to find the answer!!!
Imagine a life without oxygen. Ugh! We can hardly go a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on our lung capacity. Well done, Naked mole-rat!
- The peacock is known for its beautiful tail feathers.
- The most venomous fish across the world is the stonefish. It has 13 sharp fin spines, each with two venom glands. So, in total, a stonefish has 26 venomous glands. Omg, scary.
- Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump.
- Only 5% of Cheetah cubs ( baby cheetahs) survive to adulthood.
Such a strange animal fact. The animal we fear the most, only 5% of its kids reach adulthood!
- A snail can sleep for three years straight.
Nice! Straight three years. How many hours you can sleep in one go?
- Octopuses have three hearts.
- The rear legs of tigers are so powerful that they have been found to keep standing even after death.
- Tigers!!! An icon of power and bravery. It’s known that a tiger can be shot, bled out and even die- and it would remain standing throughout.
This is courage and strength, dear readers! The courageous hardly dies. It can confuse its killer.
Remember, I left you with a question: why are naked mole rats named as naked? Here is the fact:
- The naked mole rat is called “naked” because it has very little hair on its body, making its skin appear bare or “naked” compared to other mammals. This lack of fur helps it to stay cool in its underground habitat, where temperatures can be consistently warm. The term highlights its unique, hairless appearance, which sets it apart from other animals that usually have fur or feathers.
- Frogs can throw up their entire stomachs to remove indigestible food.
- The horns of the rhinoceros are made of keratin.
Your hair and nails are made up of keratin. So, keratin is a common protein found both in kingdom animals and humans. After all, we share the same kingdom according to scientific classification.
- Sea otters hold hands while they sleep to keep from drifting apart.
- The alpine swift can stay airborne for 6 months without touching land.
- Do you love to fly in the air? Yeah, most of us. But, all we can fly is in aeroplanes. But the Alpine Swift is amazing. Isn’t it? It holds the world’s longest uninterpreted flight by any bird. It remained in the air for over 200 days. You might be wondering what it fed on during this time. It hunted flying insects along its way.
- The mantis shrimp can punch with the force of a .22 calibre bullet.
- The dormouse has the longest hibernation period in the animal kingdom. It can survive almost a year, precisely 11 months, when the food is unavailable!
What do we do when the food is short? Unfortunately, starving, like so many people in Ethiopia and Somalia are suffering. But God has blessed animals with a great mechanism of hibernation. This helps them to survive extreme conditions such as drought and flood by reducing their metabolic activities and just keeping their survival mode on. Once the situation gets normal, they come out of the state and start enjoying normal life.
- An albatross can sleep while it flies. Hehe!
- Japanese Macaques enjoy playing with snowballs.
The life of an animal can be stressful, too! That’s why they have some fun activities just like us.
- Cows have best friends and get stressed when they’re separated, just like us.
- Sloths can take up to a month to digest their food.
- Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year, forgetting where they buried their acorns.
Are you fed up with your forgetting habits? Look at the problem of squirrels.
- Some sea snakes can breathe through their skin.
- Gorillas can catch human diseases and share about 98% of their DNA with humans, making them vulnerable to many of the same illnesses. Quite Similar, huh?
- A rhinoceros’s horn is made of compressed hair.
- The African grey parrot is one of the most intelligent birds, capable of learning over 100 words and using them in context. Now, that’s nice!
- Butterflies taste with their feet.
Oh my goodness, tomorrow we might be told that an XYZ animal speaks with its ear! Literally, weird!
- Cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just three seconds, making them the fastest land animals.
That’s the swiftness I need in my life.
- What’s the World’s largest predator? Neither a tiger nor a cheetah. But sperm whales.
They are 20 meters long and weigh more than 80 tonnes. They usually feed on giant squid and dive 3000n below the surface to hunt it. Well, the giant squid fights with the whales equally and gives some rough time by striking their beaks on the whale’s head. The scars of the squid’s beak can be seen on the head of the whale later on.
- A jellyfish is 95% water.
- The largest insect in the world is a dragonfly.
- This large dragonfly has a wingspan of over 75 cm across. They are also known as Meganeuropsis. They were alive on earth more than 247 million years ago!!! The insect has actually made history.
After discussing the longest-living insect, let’s talk discuss another animal fact about the longest living vertebrates.
- The longest vertebrae on Earth are the Greenland sharks. One of their individuals is known to live for more than 400 years.
- Reindeer’s eyes turn blue in winter to help them see in the dark. Beautiful, isn’t it?
How does God take care of all it’s being? So, why are you sad? He will take care of your matters as well. Have Faith.
Coming back to fun animal facts.
- A group of crows is called a “murderer,” while a group of owls is called a “parliament.”
I don’t know the logic behind it!
- The “Dracula ant” has the fastest recorded animal movement in the world!
This ant can go from zero to 200 miles per hour in 0.000015 seconds when it snaps its mandible. Huge, literally huge enough that it’s 5000 times faster than a human blink. This is the fastest recorded animal movement. So this is literally astonishing, amazing, stunning and whatnot.
- Starfish can regenerate lost arms.
- The most venomous marine species in the world is box jellyfish.
- Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world and are highly social animals, often found in groups.
- The longest-living arthropod in the world is the Japanese Spider Crab. It’s 4m long and has 10 legs extending from the central body. It gives it a spider-like appearance. It’s found in the deep oceans of Japan.
Wait, there are some cool animal facts that will literally make you laugh:
- Dolphins have names for each other.
- Wombats poop in cubes to mark their territory, and they can stack them too! Ugh, weird but funny.
- Manatees are the closest living relatives to elephants, yet they look like giant sea potatoes.
Relatable? We all have such relatives who are part of us but not a part of us. Iykyk!
- Rats laugh when tickled, and they actually enjoy it! So nextime you see a rat, instead of getting afraid, tickle it and enjoy its laugh. But make sure it doesn’t bite you. Obviously, don’t experiment with this. It was just for fun and knowledge. By the way, have you ever heard a rat laughing?
- Turkeys can blush when they’re excited or stressed. Aww, so cute!
- The corvids like crows, rooks, and ravens can understand physics. Not only this, but they can also solve puzzles, remember faces and even use tools.
Do you like physics? Come on, Even the animals can understand it. It’s not that hard. Try, my friend, you’ll ace it.
- Ants have “farms” and raise aphids like humans raise cattle for milk.
- Sheep can recognize faces. This is one of the most well-known animal facts, and animals like goats, sheep, dogs, and horses can recognize faces and love their caretakers.
- Male penguins propose with a pebble to their mates. This is actually one of the interesting animal facts.
- Tardigrades are microscopic animals that survive without eating for more than 10 years. Omg!!!
They look like tiny bears and can survive temperatures such as 149°C or -27°C.
- Koalas can sleep up to 22 hours a day.
Where are our sleeping fellas? There is someone who can sleep more than you in one go.
- Echidna and Duck-billed platypus are relatives. The Echidna have a break, spike, and pouch, and eggs are laid.
You know that a kangaroo is a pouched animal. But this is a new animal fact you learned about Echidna.
- Hippos secrete a red, oily fluid that acts as sunscreen—some say it looks like they’re sweating blood. Don’t be fooled!
- Rabbits are the only land animals that don’t have paw pads. They have only fur.
- The lyrebird can mimic chainsaws, car alarms, and even camera shutters. Wow, nice, such a creative bird.
- The biggest freshwater turtle is the Yangtze giant softshell turtle.
- Crocodiles can’t stick out their tongues. Can you?
- Pea crabs are miniature carbs. Why miniature? Because it’s the size of a pea. They spend their complete life inside oysters, clams and mussels and depend on their host for food.
- Male giraffes use their heads to whack each other’s necks in a “necking” competition for mates.
- Quokkas are always smiling, even though they can throw their babies at predators to escape. Not every smiling person is kind. Take a life lesson from this animal fact!
- Herring fish communicate by farting, and they can recognize each other by the sound. Literally hilarious.
- Elephants use their trunks as snorkels when they swim.
- The deepest fish in the ocean is the Mariana snailfish. It lives 8000 meters below the surface. It feeds on crustaceans and shrimp.
- Dolphins sometimes play with pufferfish to get a little buzz from their toxins. Naughty dolphins!!!
- The huge birds, shoebill stork, can swallow a whole baby crocodile!!!
The shoebill stork is 1 meter or 5 feet long. It has a wing span of 2 meters. The shoebill stork got its name from its huge 20 cm long beak.
- A group of ravens is called an “unkindness,” but they’re some of the smartest birds around.
- We all know that fishes have gills, but there is one fish in the world that has both lungs and gills, and that is Lungfish. They named the fish because of its uniqueness, so you can remember that lungfish is the only fish that has both gills and lungs.
- Parrots name their chicks and use unique sounds to call each of them. This is something beautiful. Isn’t it?
- The yellow-headed jawfish incubates its egg in its mouth until they hatch.
- The blobfish was voted the world’s ugliest animal, but it looks cute underwater—gravity just makes it look sad. The naive blobfish! My sympathies are with you.
- The smallest spider in the world is Patu digua. It’s just 0.37mm long. It’s small enough that it’s one-fifth the size of the head of the pin.
- Female hyenas are more dominant and have “anatomy” that looks like a male’s.
No matter how much we hate the word vampire. Look at the kindness of vampire bats:
- The vampire bats are known to share blood with their fellows.
As you know, the vampire bat feeds on blood. They need to drink or eat blood after every 48 hours in order to survive The bats are kind enough to share blood after a good meal with a fellow bat that has fed them in the past.
- Butterflies have been known to drink turtle tears.
How can a cute butterfly do this to a naive and slow turtle?
Did you know that besides humans, an animal also played a role in World War 2?
- The Wojtek bear was a corporal in the Polish military.
- Some turtles breathe through their butts.
Birds are wise and intelligent, but sometimes they can be clever, too. Here is why:
- The cuckoo bird hides its egg in the nests of other birds. The naive other species consider the egg to be their own and raise the cuckoo chick. And the clever cuckoo mother does rest, and she doesn’t have any work to do.
The birds can also play politics and tactics!
- Axolotls are basically “forever young” since they never outgrow their juvenile phase.
Elephants are one of the kindest animals. As many stories prove their loyalty to their masters. Besides loving humans, elephants love each other too. You might be shocked to know that:
- Elephants mourn the death of their beloved family members. They visit the places where their loved one died and wonder in silence, sometimes bowing their heads or, who knows, they might be crying as well.
- Dogs sometimes fake being sick to get extra attention. Attention Dog-parents!!!
- Ducks sleep with one eye open, and half of their brain is always alert for danger. Aww, the vulnerable duck!
- The parents of meerkats train them to hunt scorpions.
Whether animals or humans, parents are responsible for nourishment, growth and upbringing. Similarly, the parents of meerkats bought dead scorpions to train their kids to kill them and practice enough to hunt the Scorpio without being stung.
- The male bowerbird decorates his nest with colorful objects to impress females—sometimes even stealing items from neighbours.
- Gorillas dismantle the traps set by poachers.
- Humans started loving dogs back 8000 years ago.
- Kangaroos can’t hop backwards.
- In ancient Egypt, the cats were domesticated nearly 9500 years ago. And you might be surprised to know that at that time, it was illegal to kill the cat.
- Bats always turn left when leaving a cave.
- Birds called “boobies” got their name from the Spanish word “bobo,” meaning “stupid,” because they’re so friendly and easy to catch.
- The world’s biggest penguins are Emperor penguins.
And we’ll know one of the purposes of human life is to reproduce. For reproduction, this animal suffers a lot. They travel almost 50-129 km across the Antarctic to reach the breeding colonies.
- Capuchin monkeys use urine to wash their hands and feet as a way to attract mates. Ugh!!!!
- Yaks are giant oxen-like animals. They have exceptional lung capacity and can survive well in high altitudes. They have small red blood cells to improve oxygen transport. Their lung capacity is 3 times less than that of normal cattle.
- Male seahorses are the ones who get pregnant and give birth.
- Prairie dogs greet each other with a kiss.
- Goats sometimes faint when they get startled—stiff legs and all.
- Sloths are so slow that algae can grow on their fur. Where are our slow-mo potato-couches peeps?? Be vigilant!!
- The heaviest tree-dwelling animal in the world is the Orangutans. They are 1.5 m tall and have huge arms.
Let’s see some more facts about animals:
- Chimpanzees are one of the intelligent animals.
- An eagle can see a rabbit from more than two miles away.
- The platypus can detect electric fields.
- Shrike, also known as the butcherbirds. Got the name, break it down, butcher birds. They are known for their brutality. They capture their prey and impale them in sticks to eat later.
- Only male toads croak.
- On hot summer days, the vultures urinate and even defecate on their own legs and feet to feel cool. Ugh, weird!!!
But, there is a cooling mechanism for them known as “ urohydrosis”. It not only helps them feel cool but also kills any deadly bacteria attached from walking through dead animals.
- Ants never sleep. Ugh! We can’t survive 24 hours without sleep. Hats off to you, dear ants.
- Polar bear fur is actually transparent, not white. Gotcha?
- Kangaroos can’t walk backwards.
- A housefly hums in the key of F.
- Male seahorses carry and give birth to their young.
- An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
- A group of parrots is called a “pandemonium.”
- A wolf’s howl can be heard up to 10 miles away.
- Axolotls can regenerate their limbs and even parts of their hearts and brains. But we can’t. Only some parts of our liver can be regenerated.
- Honey never spoils; edible honey has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs. Yes, this is a good fact.
- Bats are the only mammals capable of sustained flight.
- The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.
- A giraffe has the same number of neck bones as a human.
- Koalas have fingerprints almost identical to humans. Ahh! Strange
- Pigeons can recognize themselves in a mirror.
- Some sharks can live to be over 500 years old.
- Crows can hold grudges and remember human faces.
So, be vigilant while hurting a cow. It’s never going to forget and forgive you.
- Snakes can sense vibrations through their jaws.
- Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up.
- A flea can jump 350 times its body length.
- Cats have over 20 muscles in each ear. Nice!
- Male lyrebirds mimic chainsaws and camera shutters to impress females. Even animals try to do this!
- The heart of a shrimp is located in its head.
This is one of the most funny animal facts.
- Some crabs can grow back lost legs.
- Goats have rectangular pupils.
- Flamingos are pink because of shrimp and algae in their diet.
- An octopus has nine brains.
This is one of the strangest animal facts.
- Frogs can freeze completely in winter and thaw back to life in spring.
- Ravens can mimic human speech.
- Male emperor penguins can go for two months without food while incubating eggs.
- Some caterpillars turn into butterflies in less than 10 days.
- The tongue of a blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant.
This is one of the greatest animal facts.
- Mice can sense human emotions and mimic them.
Haha! This is a hilarious animal fact.
- Some ants can swim.
- Male bowerbirds build elaborate nests to attract mates.
- Bees can recognize human faces. So next time, if the same bee keeps irritating you, understand that it has started recognizing you!
- The peregrine falcon can reach speeds of 240 mph when diving.
- Sea turtles can live for over 100 years.
- The male narwhal’s tusk is actually a giant tooth.
- Oysters can change gender depending on their environment.
- Lobsters communicate by peeing out of their faces. Ugh!!!!
- Dung beetles navigate by the Milky Way.
- The hoatzin bird has claws on its wings as a chick.
- Starfish don’t have brains. Just like some of your friends. Sorry, no offence. Just a pun!
- The horned lizard can squirt blood from its eyes as a defense.
- Birds are the closest living relatives of dinosaurs.
- The electric eel can generate up to 600 volts of electricity.
- Spiders recycle their webs by eating them.
- Axolotls never outgrow their larval form.
- Hedgehogs have about 5,000 to 7,000 quills.
- The goblin shark can unhinge its jaw to eat prey.
- Termites are more closely related to cockroaches than ants.
- The okapi is the closest living relative to the giraffe.
- Vampire bats share blood meals with other bats to ensure survival.
- A blue-ringed octopus’s venom can kill humans within minutes.
- Some dragonflies migrate across oceans.
- Tardigrades can survive in space.
- The male praying mantis sometimes gets eaten by the female after mating.
Ahh! The naive males.
- Barn owls can hear prey up to three feet below the snow.
- A chameleon’s tongue is longer than its body.
- Pufferfish inflate to avoid being eaten.
- Tapeworms can live inside a host for up to 30 years. That is why they are one of the deadliest parasites in the world.
- The cuttlefish can change colour to match its surroundings.
Just like some humans do! Be a man, be who you are. Don’t let the environment influence you in a way that you forget your personality! Just a lesson.
- Some fish can fly by gliding above water.
- Meerkats have babysitters for their young. Cute!
- Pandas spend up to 14 hours a day eating. Got the logic behind Food Panda?
The last and one of the most interesting animal facts. Do you know that there is a caterpillar in the world named after Donald Trump?
- There is a caterpillar that resembles Donald Trump’s hair and is named as Donald Trump’s caterpillar. Before 2016, it was known as the Flannel Moth Caterpillar. It became popular because of its aggressive nature and bright orange giving it an uncanny resemblance to Trump’s hair. But, the hair is not something to be touched. Be careful, as its hair is venomous.
The world of animals is huge. It has a long history. There are never ending animal facts. I’ve described maximum facts from kingdom Animalia, but you can definitely find more facts as it’s a never ending stream of knowledge. Animals are our companions on Earth, and it’s our duty to know more about them and take care of them. Keep learning.